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Backpacking 101: How to Choose the Best Tent
The backpacking tent is going to be one of the most important pieces of gear you have when out on your adventure. It is also going to be one of the most expensive pieces of gear you own. That’s why...
Backpacking 101: How to Poop in the Woods
One of the biggest fears that keep people from backpacking is “What happens if I need to use the bathroom?” Well, I’m here to tell you it is nothing to fear and is about the most natural...
Backpacking 101: Top 5 Backpacks for Beginners
You are planning to take your first backpacking trip and are looking for the perfect backpack. It can be overwhelming with all the different types, styles, prices, sizes, and more. There are hundreds of...
Backpacking 101: What is a Backpacking Pack
Imagine seeing the sun rising up around a mountain peak, casting light upon the dark valleys below. You are enjoying a hot cup of coffee, watching the most beautiful sunrise of your life. Bundled up in...
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