Nice to meet you

Hello and welcome. I’m Greg Reist and with 1000+ miles on hiking trails and 38 States visited, I am passionate about exploring and enjoying the outdoors. 

Adventuring started at an early age for me. Growing up family vacations were visiting National Parks and many more state parks. I can still smell the leather canvas from my old man’s Coleman pop-up. We pulled that camper every summer, all summer seeing everything we could.

Now that I have a family of my own, I take every opportunity to spend time enjoying nature. In 2020 I bought my first Travel Trailer, and we haven’t looked back. Spending nearly every weekend of the summer around a campfire.

 I love backpacking down the trail as much as pulling the camper to the next destination. Freedom is the sound of the trail on the bottom of your boots and the hum of the camper wheels across the road. I enjoy that freedom.

why a Blog?

I want to help people explore and enjoy the outdoors as much as I have. To feel the freedom of nature.

If your new to hiking and need a push to get out and explore than let me give you some great info and my experience to help you start.

Life was not meant to be lived behind a desk or at a job we hate. We are made to wonder and explore.

Here at Greg Reist, we want to help you be informed and inspire you to take the call of adventure. Read through my latest articles for more information and inspiration.