Backpacking 101

What is Backpacking?

Backpacking is the outdoor recreation of carrying gear on one’s back while hiking for more than a day. It is often an extended journey and may involve camping outdoors. Wikipedia

That would be the most literal way of describing what backpacking is. For those who have experienced the trail with a pack loaded with gear and a heart full of adventure know that it is more than that. That it is the whole process that makes the journey. From the first thought of an adventure to the research, planning, and preparing. The battle one has when packing up and deciding on what to bring. The weight vs comfort fight that backpackers have, as their wants and needs are sorted out.

The excitement builds as you drive toward the trailhead for the first time. Even though you have done your job planning, the calm anxiety of the unknown builds as you park the car. Stepping out, putting the pack on, and taking the first step down the trail are one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. You did it. You made a plan, you prepared, and now you are executing it.

Yes, backpacking is the outdoor recreation of carrying gear on one’s back while hiking for more than a day, but it is not point A to point B. It is the journey that makes backpacking so desirable. The miles we hike through the mountains, over streams, under forest trees, and across open canyons, are often the medicine we need to heal us from our everyday lives.

As night falls and the stars shine down, the sound of silence is only broken by the pops and cracks of the small campfire burning. With the tent pitched and the fire light tickling the tree tops, you can’t help but think of all those who lived this life many years ago. How we now treat this as a recreational activity and to our ancestors this was life.

The morning will come and present you with a brand new day. Breaking down camp and enjoying a hot cup of coffee before hitting the trail is as close to heaven as it gets (in my opinion). The day seems simple as you start your adventure. Choices are few and the tasks are direct. Hike and enjoy the journey.

As you wind down the last mile or so back to the car, you will be overcome with a sense of great accomplishment. A sense of completing a challenge. Backpacking is an accomplishment of effort, willpower, survival, determination, bravery, courage, and so much more. Backpackers, no matter if it is their 1st or 50th trip should be proud of themselves for answering the call to adventure.

You will load the car up and put it in Drive. You will head back to your everyday life. But as you drive away you will realize a part of you is still in the woods. Still out there waiting for you to return.

Why You Should Try Backpacking

Many people sit in an office chair for hours at a time staring at a screen, begging for time to hurry up, till the end of the work day. Or drive transportation around all day dealing with people who are dealing with the problems of the world. Construction trades work hard labor on the job, putting in the hours for the company. Teachers and medical professionals help everyone else but themselves. This world is a rat race and sometimes we need to check out. We need an escape.

Why should you go backpacking? To escape the trials of everyday life and embark on a journey that is fulfilling. We all have an adventurous heart, some are more predominant than others, but we all need an adventure. So many will watch reels on Instagram or follow a travel influencer on social media, and think maybe one day. Make that day today. Answer the call to adventure.

Backpacking allows us to travel established paths to known destinations and experience this world in a different way. Not through our phone screens or others, but through our own eyes. Breathing the fresh air with our own lungs. Touching the world with our own hands. Traveling with our own feet. Sleeping under the stars.

Backpacking changes our outlooks on life and builds a bond between us and mother nature. There are so many reasons to start backpacking and I have listed a few below. As well as a few cons that people seem to have when starting backpacking.

The Pros of Backpacking

Here a just a few examples of why Backpacking needs to be experienced by all.

  • Beautiful remote views are many times only accessible on a multi-day trip – less crowded and more beauty
  • Experience nature in a whole new way – nothing beats waking up to mother nature and breathing in the fresh air
  • Builds confidence – accomplishing a multi-day trip is a huge deal, especially if doing it solo
  • New skills learned – Knot tieing, fire building, water filtering, navigation, independence, and many more
  • Primal instincts are used – grounding us in the basics of survival
  • Cardiovascular workout – the heart will be pounding and the lungs will be breathing
  • Sharpens are skill sets involving planning, survival, and safety – making us more aware of the people and things around us
  • Simplifying our wants and needs – The satisfaction of simplifying what we actually need sometimes can give us a good outlook on our normal lives.

The Cons of Backpacking

Like almost anything in life, if it is that good, there has to be a catch. But I wouldn’t say there is a catch, but more things to be aware of. Backpacking is not the easiest thing to do and that’s a huge reason a lot of people do not try it. They give up before giving it a chance. Here are some of the cons of backpacking.

  • $$$ – buying the gear needed for your first trip can add up.
  • Safety concerns are present – no matter how well you plan or prepare there is always a certain level of risk
  • You can only bring what you can carry – not as luxurious as “glamping”
  • Toilets are not readily available if at all – urinating and pooping in the woods is a really good possibility
  • Weather can change unexpectedly – especially depending on the location and season of the trip
  • Hard work – hiking rough terrain or long distance is hard, but much harder with a pack on our back

Backpacking is an experience all should have in their life. If you are looking for great tips and information about backpacking, check out the recent articles on this site. Remember to research, plan, and prepare so you can answer the call to adventure.

5 thoughts on “Backpacking 101”

  1. Pingback: Backpacking 101: How to Build a Campfire

  2. Pingback: Backpacking 101: What is a Backpacking Pack

  3. Pingback: Backpacking 101: Top 5 Backpacks for Beginners

  4. Pingback: Backpacking 101: How to Poop in the Woods

  5. Pingback: Backpacking 101: How to Choose the Best Tent

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