How to Hike with Kids: 5 Things to Know

Enjoying time and experiences with my kids and hiking down the trail are two of my favorite things. But how do I do this together? How do you hike with kids?

Some of my best experiences with my kids are hiking through the trees and crossing streams. Exploring and enjoying nature as we are born to do. From mountain view trails to public park paths, we hike and make memories together.

The 5 things to know about how to hike with kids came from these experiences. I learned them and enjoyed them so now you can as well.

how to hike with kids?


Nothing is worse than getting your kids excited about something only to find out when you get there it is unavailable or closed. Hiking trails and hiking areas fall into this category sometimes.

Plan your trip in advance by calling the local ranger’s station or park staff. The rangers will be able to give you updates on things like trail conditions, maintenance, water crossings, and the difficulty of the trail.

Prepare not only yourself but your kids as well for what is in store for them. Proper footwear, clothing, and nutrition are important to having fun and being safe.


“Are we there yet?” is often the most asked question while hiking with kids. When the excitement of adventure and discovering new things are happing, patience often disappears.

No one knows your kids’ capabilities better than you. Some kids can explore and hike for hours and hours, while others will only enjoy 30 minutes on trial. Everyone is different and should be taken into consideration when planning.

Rule of Thumb for total distance per day hiking with kids

  • 3 -4 years no more than 1-2 miles
  • 5-6 years 2-4miles
  • 7-8 years 4-6 miles
  • 9-10 years 6-8 miles
  • 11-12 years 6-10 miles

Be cautious about total trail length when researching. Some trails are loops and others are there and back.


It is important for kids to not only stay hydrated when hiking but also to be hydrated when they begin the adventure. When they wake up in the morning have them drink plenty of water. This will keep their systems hydrated before exploring.

Depending on the distance and difficulty of your hike you will need to gauge how much water to bring on the trail with you. On a short 1/2-mile hike you will not need to carry a gallon of water. On a longer 4-5 mile hike make sure you take more than just a 12oz bottle of water.

The options for hydration on the hike are endless. From hydration backpacks, water bottle belts, water filters, water bottles, and the list goes on. Find a system that works well for your kids.


If there is one thing we all know about kids, is they are happiest with food in their system. It is no different when hiking. Make sure everyone has had a nutritious meal before hiking, it will be the fuel that keeps their legs moving on down the trail.

But what happens when we are a mile or two from the car and need to “refuel”? Snacks are the solution. Our little explorers and adventurers will need energy to tackle the hike, especially with longer/harder trails. These types of snacks work well.

  • Fruit Snacks
  • Cliff Bars
  • Trail mix (homemade is the best)
  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Pretzels

If you are planning a long day hiking, you might want to plan on packing lunch. Snacks are going to help boost your kid’s energy and spirit but not be able to fuel them for an all-day adventure.


Kids feed off of our energy and emotions. If we are stressed and panicking, they will likely be stressed and panicking as well. Meaning if you’re not having fun, they will not have fun.

Keeping a positive attitude and an adventurous mindset when hiking with kids, will make their experience with nature more fun and memorable. It can be overwhelming to take kids hiking especially with multiple kids but remember why you’re out there.

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